Toys for Tots Receives Generous Donation


Marines, Child Advocacy Center volunteers, and one cold KIXY DJ, David Carr, braved the cold in front of Outback Steakhouse Thursday to collect Toys for Tots.

The toy drive took place from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and those participating got a $10 off coupon for a lunch entrée.

“We have partnered with them [Outback] for several years,” said Leann Hubert, Director of Marketing Services at the Children’s Advocacy Center.

Even the casual passerby would note the success of the drive as many people streamed into Outback or casually dropped off their donations.

Hubert explained that Toys For Tots works with the Children’s Advocacy Center around Christmastime to sponsor some of the children in the program.

“They have a wish list of four items with sponsors who help them,” said Hubert. “We have 350 kids who need a sponsor.”

In a surprising twist (for LIVE! anyway), the Woodmen of the World made an appearance to present a check to the Children’s Advocacy Center for $1,000.

“This is what we do,” said Tommy Wood, from Woodmen of the World. “The donations are paid with dues from Woodmen members.”

Other recipients of $1,000 checks from the Woodmen are Meals for the Elderly and Toys For Tots, the latter of which received a check at Outback along with the Children’s Advocacy Center

Toys for Tots is a Marine Reserve program with the mission to make sure underprivileged children receive Christmas presents.

The Children's Advocacy Center of Tom Green County, Inc. prevents child abuse and neglect and secures for each child a safe and nurturing home. 

For more information on the Children’s Advocacy Center call (325) 653-HOPE, email [email protected] or visit

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