Shaffer Funeral Home Unveils San Angelo's Newest Sheep


SAN ANGELO, TX — Shaffer Funeral Home has unveiled San Angelo’s newest sheep.

“Peaceful Ewe” is displayed in front of the business at 1939 Sherwood Way. The fiberglass sheep was designed by local artist Zoe Flores.

The sheep is part of Downtown San Angelo Inc.’s Sheeptacular fundraising art project, which now includes well over 100 sheep around the city.

Mary Boudoin, managing director at Shaffer Funeral Home, said “Peaceful Ewe” was painted to have its wool look like the sky, which signifies going to Heaven.

The sheep is also wearing a suit to represent a funeral director, while its flowers symbolize grief.

"Peaceful Ewe" made its debut Tuesday, Oct. 29.

To learn more about San Angelo’s sheep, visit Downtown San Angelo Inc.’s website here.

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