Family of Drowned Twins Seeks Support Through GoFundMe for Funeral Expenses


ODESSA, TX – The family of one-year-old twin girls who tragically drowned earlier this week has set up a GoFundMe page to help cover funeral expenses.

As of Thursday, the campaign has raised $3,080 toward its $15,000 goal. The girls, Charlotte and Hazel, drowned after being left unattended in a bathtub by their babysitter.

Joan Reyes de Jesus, 34, has been charged with injury to a child, a first-degree felony. Police say de Jesus placed the twins in the bathtub, turned on the water, and left to watch television before falling asleep. The girls were in the tub for over 30 minutes before family members discovered them unresponsive.

The family has expressed gratitude for the support and donations that have poured in from the community. All funds will go toward the twins’ memorial services, which are scheduled for October 25, 2024.

Click here to donate. 

The investigation into the incident is ongoing, and authorities have indicated that more charges may be filed.

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