Trump Supporters Rumble Through San Angelo on Saturday


SAN ANGELO, TX – A group of residents gathered this morning for a political rally in support of Donald Trump.

Around 9 a.m., trucks and Jeeps adorned with U.S., military, and Trump flags assembled in the Best Buy parking lot at 4325 Sunset Drive. The caravan, consisting of about 25 vehicles, departed at 10 a.m. and headed to the Angelo Civic Hall, formerly the Knights of Columbus Hall, at 3636 N. Bryant Blvd.

Trump is set to face Vice President Kamala Harris in the presidential election on Nov. 5. Polls indicate growing momentum for Trump. On Monday, he unveiled a policy proposal, Operation Aurora, which aims to remove criminal illegal immigrants and asylum-seekers from the U.S.

Trump caravan in San Angelo on Oct 12, 2024

Trump caravan in San Angelo on Oct 12, 2024

Trump caravan in San Angelo on Oct 12, 2024

Trump caravan in San Angelo on Oct 12, 2024

Trump caravan in San Angelo on Oct 12, 2024

Trump caravan in San Angelo on Oct 12, 2024

Trump caravan in San Angelo on Oct 12, 2024

Trump caravan in San Angelo on Oct 12, 2024

Trump caravan in San Angelo on Oct 12, 2024

Trump caravan in San Angelo on Oct 12, 2024

Trump caravan in San Angelo on Oct 12, 2024

Trump caravan in San Angelo on Oct 12, 2024

Trump caravan in San Angelo on Oct 12, 2024

Trump caravan in San Angelo on Oct 12, 2024

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I would suggest the headline be changed to "Stumbling", "Fumbling", or perhaps "Bumbling" instead of "Rumbling".  That would align much more closely with the mental processes of Trump cultists.

Trump... the consummate liar clearly afraid of being fact checked in an interview with those who would dare do so.

Such a pig and a coward he is.

I hope some hungry hungry Haitian mistakes you for someone's pet. At least if the Anglos are going to die out demographically, you can have the decency to leave the country intact when you go, boomer!

"I would suggest the headline be changed to "Stumbling", "Fumbling", or perhaps "Bumbling" instead of "Rumbling".  That would align much more closely with the mental processes" of Joe Dementia Biden/Commie La Harris and their followers. Brainwashed and incapable of intelligent thought. 

I fixed your mistake. You're really getting forgetful in your old age.

I suggest you take a look at the WSJ's survey of a herd of notable economists regarding the impact of a Tramp versus Harris administration on interest rates, inflation, and the deficit.  Tramp may claim he went to Wharton, but it appears he learned little.  I would love the see his grades.

I somehow doubt he understands the difference between micro- and macro-economics or fiscal versus monetary policy.  Or much of anything else, for that matter.

Incidentally, who fears interviews during which they may be fact checked?  Answer:  consummate, self-serving, habitual liars.

He cannot be believed by the rational person, so who does?  Clearly it is the ignorant, the naive, the foolish, and the easily deceived.

And here you are.

Ah, yes. "Fact checking." The party's propaganda machine making sure everyone falls in line with the establishment narrative instead of their own lying eyes. As I wrote elsewhere, the only solution is the Indonesian Solution.

And the idiot took the bait big time. All while voting for a dementia patient, and a border czar who couldn't spell the word if you asked her too. He must be a real wizard irl.

We all have differences. Can't we all just agree that what Indonesia did to the communists is the only viable, workable, and appropriate solution to communist subversion and activism—even if the government is currently paying their salaries?


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