Canine Distemper Case Shuts Down City Animal Shelter Intake


SAN ANGELO, TX – The City Animal Shelter has temporarily halted intake of animals until Nov. 4 following the discovery of a positive case of canine distemper, the city announced Thursday.

The disease, which originated from a dog brought in from the community, has potentially exposed several other dogs at the shelter, information stated.

Distemper is a "highly contagious viral disease" that affects a dog’s gastrointestinal, respiratory, and central nervous systems. Though often fatal, it is preventable with proper vaccination.

Dogs already inoculated against distemper will remain available for adoption, and animals deemed dangerous, injured, or sick will continue to be accepted for shelter care. Concho Valley PAWS is overseeing medical treatment for the affected dogs and monitoring others for symptoms of distemper, including vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and seizures.

Animal Services encourages the public to make sure that their animals are up to date on all vaccines and that if they have any questions or notice any strange behavior to contact their veterinarian. The community can assist the shelter by: 

  • Offering financial support for testing and treatment at
  • Fostering at
  • Adopting at
  • Owner redeem by contacting [email protected]

Additionally, recent adopters will be contacted by Concho Valley PAWS to verify the health of their pets. Owners who have recently redeemed their dog should seek veterinary consultation for further evaluation.

Distemper is primarily spread through respiratory secretions and can be carried by wildlife, including raccoons and foxes.

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