O.C. Fisher Unable to be Restocked Due to Low Oxygen Levels


SAN ANGELO, TX — An electrofishing survey was conducted at O.C. Fisher Reservoir on Monday, Sept. 30, to determine its viability for being restocked with fish, according to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Inland Fisheries San Angelo District.

No sportfish or prey species was identified in the reservoir, which was unsurprising since it was at less than 1% capacity about a month ago. 

Recent rains have pushed the reservoir to 7.2% capacity.

Dissolved oxygen levels were near 3 parts per million, lower than the minimum of 4 ppm needed to maintain aquatic life.

The low dissolved oxygen levels are likely due to the large amount of decaying material (leaves, sticks, etc.) that flushed into the reservoir during flooding from the recent rain.

However, dissolved oxygen levels have been slowly improving and should eventually return to normal levels, according to the Inland Fisheries San Angelo District.

Restocking the reservoir remains a priority, but it can’t occur until dissolved oxygen levels have improved.

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