Gun Seized at Border Linked to San Angelo Police Department


SAN ANGELO, TX — The Texas Rangers are investigating after a firearm seized at the U.S.-Mexico border was linked to the San Angelo Police Department.

SAPD Police Chief Travis Griffith held a press conference Thursday, Sept. 26, to address the investigation.

A male subject was apprehended attempting to cross the border into Mexico with firearms April 23, according to Griffith.

Homeland Security Agents discovered one of the firearms was purchased at a gun show, and a federal investigation traced that firearm to previously being in possession of SAPD.

Given the unusual nature of the situation, Homeland Security Agents notified SAPD’s previous administration. On May 29, an internal investigation began within SAPD.

The investigation led to a three-man division, Griffith said. Two of the individuals in the division were placed on administrative leave, pending the investigation, and the other individual resigned.

"Simply resigning or simply being placed on administrative leave does not imply guilt of either criminal wrongdoing or violations of our policy," Griffith said.

There is no evidence to support rumors that the smuggling event was associated with the Cartel, Griffith added.

The investigation, which remains ongoing, began before Griffith was sworn in as Police Chief in June. Retired Police Chief Frank Carter had requested the assistance of the Texas Rangers regarding theft of a firearm, and Griffith said he fully supports that decision.

There were no details released about the firearm and how it was acquired by SAPD or how it eventually ended up in a gun show.

More information will be released upon completion of the investigation.

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