Brownwood Police Dispel Rumors During School Lockdown


BROWNWOOD, TX — Brownwood police dispelled rumors Thursday after the high school was placed on lockdown due to a reported threat.

At 9:25 a.m., a man called police dispatch to report that a Brownwood High School student had threatened to shoot other students as they exited the campus during a planned evacuation drill. The caller also claimed the student had been seen loading firearms inside the school, police said.

Brownwood police officers were already at the school monitoring the drill and, as part of a mitigation plan, worked with staff to return students to their classrooms. The school was then placed on lockdown.

Police officers and school administrators conducted a thorough search of the building, checking all open and unsecured areas. Teachers and staff remained on lockdown until an “all clear” was given.

Police credited the school safety plan developed by Brownwood Independent School District, saying it worked as intended. All staff performed as expected, all students were safe, and security measures were implemented as effectively as possible.

Outside the school, anxious parents contacted us with concerns, though the district had been providing public updates throughout the situation.

Rumors circulating online of “shots fired” and “arrests made” were false, police said. A video shared online showing a student being detained was also misinterpreted, according to police. The student in the video suffers from autism and anxiety and was being consoled by officers, they said.

There have been no arrests as a result of this incident.

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