Couple Accused of Attempting to Sell Baby for Beer and Cash


ROGERS, AR - An Arkansas couple was arrested after allegedly attempting to sell their two-month-old baby boy for a six-pack of beer and $1,000, according to the Benton County Sheriff’s Office.

This happened on Sept. 21 at the Beaver Lake Hide-A-Way Campground in Rogers, Arkansas. Darien Urban, 21, and Shalene Ehlers, 20, are accused of offering their baby to another camper in exchange for beer and later attempting to sell the child for $1,000. Witnesses reported seeing the couple sign a contract to transfer custody of the child to another man at the campground.

According to reports, the couple initially agreed to let Ricky Crawford, a fellow camper, take the baby overnight in exchange for several cans of beer. Crawford, who was reportedly intoxicated, told investigators he was concerned for the child’s welfare. The baby was later moved to a different camper, where Urban and Ehlers allegedly agreed to give up custody in exchange for $1,000 from a man named Cody Nathaniel Martin.

Information states that Urban and Ehlers signed a contract, witnessed by others at the campground, to relinquish their parental rights. Martin told police he drew up the contract but had not yet paid the couple when the sheriff’s office was alerted.

The campground manager became aware of the situation and contacted law enforcement. The baby, who showed signs of neglect, was taken to a hospital for evaluation. Urban and Ehlers were both charged with endangering the welfare of a minor and attempting to accept consideration for relinquishment of a minor.

Both were held on $50,000 bail, with Urban reportedly being released while Ehlers remains in custody.

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