Argument Over Hot Sauce Leads to Fatal Stabbing, Suspect Charged with Murder


DENVER, CO — A 19-year-old man is facing second-degree murder charges after a heated argument over a bottle of hot sauce turned deadly Sunday evening, police said.

George Vigil was arrested and charged after allegedly stabbing a man, who was later pronounced dead at Denver Health Medical Center, according to a statement from the Denver Police Department. The victim, who has not yet been publicly identified, suffered two stab wounds—one to his left rib cage and another to his back. 

The dispute reportedly began when the victim asked about the location of the hot sauce while making a sandwich at a residence. Vigil informed him that the bottle was in his bedroom, which led to an argument. Family members attempted to intervene but were unsuccessful in preventing the escalation. 

Vigil was taken into custody without visible injuries but had fresh blood on his hands and clothing, police noted. He was ordered to be held without bond after his initial court appearance on Monday.

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