Forecast: Mostly Sunny and Seasonal Conditions Expected


SAN ANGELO, TX - San Angelo is set to experience mostly sunny skies with temperatures around normal for this time of year, according to the National Weather Service.

Wednesday’s high temperatures are expected to reach the mid-80s across the region, with North winds ranging from 10 to 15 mph and gusts up to 20 mph.

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

The extended forecast predicts minimal impacts for the remainder of the week, with mostly sunny skies continuing through Monday. Morning lows will dip into the mid-50s to around 60 degrees, while afternoon highs will range from the low 80s to near 90 degrees. Winds will generally remain light, blowing from the Northeast or North at 5 to 15 mph.

Residents can expect pleasant and mild weather conditions as the week progresses, with no significant weather impacts forecasted.

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

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