Teen Charged With Killing Mother in Florida Was Also Charged in Father's Death in Oklahoma


AUBURNDALE, FL — A teenager who has been charged in the stabbing death of his mother in Florida was also charged with the fatal shooting of his father last year in Oklahoma.

The juvenile was released from a detention facility last year after authorities in Oklahoma were unable to find evidence that disputed the teen’s claim of self defense in the death of his father in February 2023.

Shortly after, he went to live with his mother in Florida. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told the Associated Press that the juvenile attacked his mother numerous times, including a case of domestic violence in which he “stomped” on her.

On Sunday, the 17-year-old called 911 from his grandmother’s home in Auburndale, and told the dispatcher his mother fell on a knife.

Judd said the juvenile was “cool, calm and collected” when police arrived and told a deputy, ‘I know my rights. I want an attorney.’”

Judd said the teen has shown no emotion.

The teen was reportedly held for mental health services at one point. As he was being released, the teen threatened to kill himself or his mother, Judd said, and authorities then held him for three more days.

The sheriff has asked the state attorney’s office to charge the juvenile as an adult.

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