Missing Tiger from Mexican Zoo Could Cross into Texas, Officials Warn


McALLEN, TX — A tiger that went missing from a zoo in Reynosa, Mexico, may have crossed into South Texas, though law enforcement officials said there is no proof.

The tiger, which was reported missing earlier this week from the Quinta La Fauna Zoo, could potentially cross the Rio Grande, prompting warnings for residents in both Mexico and the U.S. to remain alert. Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Enrique Longoria told media that although there is no evidence the tiger has entered Texas, deputies have been instructed to remain vigilant during their patrols.

“Out of an abundance of caution, we have informed our deputies to remain alert during their patrols. We currently have no information suggesting that the tiger has crossed the river into our county, but it remains a possibility,” Longoria said in a statement.

The Rio Grande is about 50 yards from Reynosa to the South Texas border city of Hidalgo. Tigers can swim up to seven miles per day and cross rivers as wide as four miles.

Officials noted there have been no reported sightings of the tiger or any domestic animals harmed.

The zoo in Reynosa has closed until further notice.

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