Brady ISD Cancels Classes Due to Threat Made Against Rochelle ISD


BRADY, TX — Brady Independent School District will cancel classes on Monday, September 9, following a threat made against neighboring Rochelle ISD.

The decision comes after a call was made to a national crisis hotline on Saturday evening, during which a student claiming to attend Rochelle High made a threat.

The McCulloch County Sheriff’s Office notified Rochelle ISD’s administration of the threat, which was directed toward Rochelle ISD. The caller provided limited information, and law enforcement is currently working to determine the credibility and source of the threat. As of now, the identity of the caller is unclear.

Given the unresolved nature of the threat, Brady ISD has chosen to cancel classes on Monday out of an abundance of caution. Superintendent Hector Martinez said the district is prioritizing the health and safety of students and staff and will work closely with local authorities and neighboring districts to assess when it is safe to resume classes.

Brady ISD was not directly implicated in the threat but is erring on the side of caution due to the ongoing investigation.

Classes are expected to resume on Tuesday for both school districts, pending further developments.

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