San Angelo and Tom Green County Ask Residents to Report Flood Damage


SAN ANGELO, TX — The Office of Emergency Management for the City of San Angelo and Tom Green County is asking residents and businesses to submit photos of any damages caused by flooding that began on September 1.

The submissions will help local, state, and federal partners assess the extent of the damages using the Texas Division of Emergency Management’s Individual State of Texas Assessment Tool (iSTAT).

Residents are encouraged to visit to access the online tool. Once on the site, users should select “September 1, ongoing severe weather” and follow the instructions for submitting photos of damages. The TDEM website also features a tutorial to assist with the process.

The iSTAT system is a voluntary reporting tool designed to collect data on storm damage. It does not guarantee financial or recovery assistance but helps agencies develop a comprehensive understanding of the impacts on the community.

For more information or assistance, residents can contact Jose Rivera at [email protected].

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