Where Does Texas Rank in Retail Theft?


AUSTIN, TX - Texas ranks sixth in the nation for retail theft, according to a recent study by Storeganise, a self-storage software company.

The study revealed that Texas experiences 1,771.59 retail theft cases per 100,000 businesses, placing it just behind Oklahoma, which ranks fifth.

Retailers in the U.S. lost an estimated $121.6 billion to retail theft in 2023 alone, information from the study stated. This figure is expected to rise further, reaching $150 billion by 2026. 

Surprisingly, New York ranked among the safest states for business owners in terms of commercial burglaries. 

Florida reported the lowest retail theft rate in the country, with only 126.22 cases per 100,000 businesses. 

The study, which analyzed data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Crime Data Explorer, identified Washington as the state with the highest retail theft rate, reporting 3,510 cases per 100,000 businesses. New Mexico followed closely with 3,419.08 cases per 100,000 businesses, while Nevada ranked third with 3,364.58 cases.

Storeganise’s study included data from various types of businesses, including convenience stores, department stores, shopping malls, and gas stations. 

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