The Bosque Updates Hours for Offseason


SAN ANGELO, TX - San Angelo’s popular outdoor recreation spot, The Bosque, located at 330 S. Irving St. along the Concho River, has announced new hours of operation for the offseason.

The facility will be closed on Wednesdays, open Monday through Friday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., and on Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 8 p.m.

Visitors should note that the last opportunity to rent equipment at The Bosque will be one hour before closing time. The facility offers various activities, including washer-pitching pits, an 18-hole putt-putt golf course, sand volleyball, and bocce ball. While the concession stand, “The Grove,” may be closed during these hours, guests are still welcome to use the amenities with their own equipment.

Pricing at The Bosque includes $5 per game for miniature golf for those aged five and up, with group rates available. Certain activities, such as bocce ball, giant chess, and washer pitching, are free, while others like kayak rentals are available for a fee.

The Bosque is part of the Concho River Improvement Project, primarily funded by half-cent sales taxes and a Texas Parks & Wildlife Department grant. 

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