Trump Announces Presidential Debate Schedule with Harris


PALM BEACH, FL — Former President Donald Trump said he has agreed to three debates against Vice President Kamala Harris, beginning Sept. 4 on Fox News.

Trump made the announcement Thursday during a press conference in Mar-a-Lago.

Trump’s debate with President Joe Biden on June 27 went so badly for Biden — with his cognitive decline finally on full display for the American public — that he chose to step down weeks later, which was bizarrely made known in a tweet on X.

Since then, Harris has been elevated into the spot of the Democratic presidential candidate. Her popularity has reportedly skyrocketed, at least according to liberal media outlets, despite the fact that Harris was polling as the least popular vice president ever last year.

Trump said in Thursday’s press conference he didn’t agree with the process that allowed Biden to be replaced with Harris.

“I’m not a fan of his, as you probably have noticed,” Trump said of Biden. He had a rough debate, but that doesn’t mean that you just take it away like that.”

Trump also criticized for Harris for answering few on-the-record questions from reporters since becoming a presidential candidate.

“She’s not doing a news conference. You know why? She’s not doing it because she can’t do a news conference,” Trump said.

“She doesn’t know how to do a news conference. She’s not smart enough to do a news conference. And I’m sorry, we need smart people to lead this country.”

Other debates between Trump and Harris are scheduled to take place Sept. 10 on ABC and Sept. 25 on NBC.

There have been no announcements on potential debates between Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance, and Harris’s vice presidential pick, Tim Walz.

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