Three San Angelo Police Officers Announce Retirement


SAN ANGELO, TX — On Tuesday, the San Angelo Police Department announced the retirement of three police officers who have dedicated much of their adult lives to serving their communities. 

Lt. Tim Pucci, a SAPD officer who has worked in the department since 1998, made a statement regarding the three officers on Tuesday afternoon.

It reads as follows: 

I am honored and privileged to inform the public about the extraordinary professional careers of three leaders retiring from the San Angelo Police Department. Their careers span more than thirty years individually, and Assistant Chief Howard's career span is half a lifetime (35 years).

Former Chief Frank Carter (Left), Lt. Mike Hernandez (Middle), Assistant Chief David Howard (Right)

Former San Angelo Police Chief Frank Carter (Left), Lt. Mike Hernandez (Middle), Assistant Chief David Howard (Right)

Chief Frank Carter, Assistant Chief David Howard, and Lieutenant Mike Hernandez have served our country through military service and our community through their service in the San Angelo Police Department for more than three decades.

Their combined careers in law enforcement total 99 years of service. These three leaders' knowledge, experience, capability, technical understanding, and leadership are invaluable. Their absence from the San Angelo Police Department will leave a significant gap in leadership, which will be there for many years to come. I encourage everyone to take a few minutes to read about these leaders' careers, accomplishments, and service. These three men served our country, our community, and their chosen profession with honor, sacrifice, and endurance. They now move on to retirement and perhaps other career options.

Thank you, Chief Carter, Assistant Chief Howard, and Lieutenant Hernandez, for your service to us all. Your sacrifices and accomplishments will not be forgotten.

Respectfully, Lieutenant Tim Pucci.

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Congratulations!!  Thank you for your service.  Enjoy your retirement while you can!!

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