'Huge Success' For Central HS Graduate's Stem Cell Donor Drive


SAN ANGELO, TX — The stem cell donor registry drive for an 18-year-old Central High School graduate diagnosed with B-cell leukemia was deemed a “huge success.”

On Saturday, June 22, 583 individuals were reported to have registered at Carlie Jo’s stem cell donor registry drive. An additional 345 people have registered online, bringing the total to nearly 1,000 participants.

For those unable to attend the event, there remains an opportunity to contribute by registering online at DKMS Virtual Drives.

Statistically, 1 in every 25 swabbed participants could be a match, potentially saving close to 40 lives, according to information. The event also highlighted a need for more Hispanic donors. 

A notable moment from the drive was meeting a 5-year-old battling leukemia. Maverick, who has been fighting the disease since February, is set to ring the bell on July 8, marking a milestone in his treatment. The families connected at the event, and Maverick expressed a desire to visit Carlie Jo at the hospital.

The drive was supported by "Earl Young’s Team," a Dallas-based nonprofit, and aimed to find a matching donor for Carlie Jo and others in need of stem cell transplants.

The drive was hosted at Central High School’s cafeteria, and the registration process was straightforward, involving a brief medical review and a cheek swab.

A benefit event is scheduled for July 21 to continue raising awareness and support for Carlie Jo. 

For more information and to register online, visit DKMS Virtual Drives. Join the cause and potentially be the match that saves a life.

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