4 New Deputies Join the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office


SAN ANGELO, TX — The Tom Green County Sheriff welcomed four new deputies to the force this morning in the Tom Green County Commissioners’ Courtroom inside the Keyes Building downtown. Retired Texas Ranger David Maxwell was the featured speaker, and Tom Green County Court at Law No. 2 Judge Andrew Graves officiated the swearing-in. In addition to the new deputies, Sheriff Hanna promoted three deputies.

Newly-minted Jail Corporal Christina Hervada and Jail Sergeant Ron Sanders were promoted and recognized for their service to the county. Jail Corporal Bobby Vasquez was on duty at the time of the ceremony.

Sheriff Nick Hanna and four new deputies at the searing-in ceremony on June 24, 2024.

Sheriff Nick Hanna and four new deputies at the searing-in ceremony on June 24, 2024.

The new deputies who pinned on their Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office badges for the first time were Ty Wall, Andrea Macias, Kevin Wojtek, and Hayden Pipkin.

Retired Texas Ranger David Maxwell addresses the large crowd celebrating the swearing-in of four new deputies on June 24, 2024.

Retired Texas Ranger David Maxwell addresses the large crowd celebrating the swearing-in of four new deputies on June 24, 2024.

“You’ll learn quickly that there’s a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. Be discriminating to make good judgments. Above all, uphold the law and represent the public. I am so excited that y’all have come forward to join,” Maxwell told the new deputies.

Court at Law #2 Judge Andrew Graves leads the Oath of Office for the four new deputies on June 24, 2024.

Court at Law #2 Judge Andrew Graves leads the Oath of Office for the four new deputies on June 24, 2024.

Maxwell is a well-known figure in Texas law enforcement circles. As a Texas Ranger, he was part of a team that built the 1999 case leading to the prosecution of “The Railroad Killer” Rafael Resendez. In 2003, he solved a case concerning the murder of his sister, Diane, who was murdered in 1969. More recently, Maxwell served as the director of the Law Enforcement Division at the Office of the Attorney General. He was a witness against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton during last year’s impeachment hearings in the Texas Senate.

"Don't ever lose how special this calling is," the sheriff said. "You'll have a task worth doing every time you roll out of bed, even when it's a routine shift. You'll think nothing is going to happen. That's the day that can change your life. That's the day you can really make an impact on someone else. I still see crime victims from time to time — cases we worked on years ago — and they will always remember you and what you did for them."

Sheriff Hanna said there are two more recruits in testing as of today, and if those recruits pass the course, the Tom Green Sheriff’s Office will be fully staffed on the patrol deputy side.

Brand new Tom Green County Deputy Ty Wall has his badge pinned on for the first time by his mother, as is the tradition.

Brand new Tom Green County Deputy Ty Wall has his badge pinned on for the first time by his mother, as is the tradition.

Newly promoted Jail Corporal Christina Hervada was recognized at the June 24, 2024 ceremony.

Newly promoted Jail Corporal Christina Hervada was recognized at the June 24, 2024 ceremony.

Newly promoted Jail Sergeant Ron Sanders was recognized at the June 24, 2024 ceremony.

Newly promoted Jail Sergeant Ron Sanders (right) was recognized by Sheriff Nick Hanna (left) at the June 24, 2024 ceremony.

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