Walmart Listed as the Largest Employer in Texas


SAN ANGELO, TX — A recent analysis of employment data from IBISWorld has revealed that Walmart is the largest private employer in Texas, with 178,594 employees in 2023. This marks a 1.3% increase from the previous year. The University of Texas System follows as the second largest employer, with 115,000 employees in 2023.

The study, conducted by AI productivity platform Plus Docs, examined employment data across all states for 2023. Nationally, Walmart is also the largest private employer, with approximately 2.1 million employees.

“Each state's unique resources and industries shape its employment opportunities and economic health," said Daniel Li, CEO and cofounder of Plus Docs. "Walmart’s extensive network of stores and its focus on providing low-cost goods necessitate efficient large-scale operations, creating a constant demand for a substantial workforce across various roles.”

In San Angelo, Goodfellow Airforce Base comes in as the top employer for San Angeloans at 5,333 employees. The City of San Angelo has data available for all the major employers in town. Shannon Medical Center is second with 4,149 employees, and San Angelo ISD and Angelo State University round out the top four with 1,934 and 1,558.

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