2024 Lake View Maidens Basketball Camp


SAN ANGELO, TX — The Lake View Maidens Basketball team hosted its summer basketball camp this week for girls around the community at Lake View High School. The camp was a chance for the girls to gather together during the summer to make it out of the heat, practice their basketball skills, and have fun.

Maidens Head Coach Gabriel Chapa talked with San Angelo LIVE! about how he organized the camp and the challenges he faced with teaching such a wide range of age groups. Check out the full interview below:

“We showcased [the camp] with the really young group early in the morning, it speeds up with a little with the 3rd to 6th-grade group, and then from 2-4 p.m., we have our 6th to 9th graders come in,” Chapa said. “It allows your brain to shift a little bit because what an older child can do, as opposed to the younger one, is different. So, we have to slow everything down and modify a lot of the lessons…we are starting to see a progression throughout this camp.”

Lake View hired Chapa before the 2023-24 season and looks to revamp the Maidens’ basketball program in the coming years. He and several of the varsity basketball players are putting in the work now to build for the future.

Lake View Maidens Head Basketball Coach Gabriel Chapa at the Maidens Summer Basketball Camp

Lake View Maidens Head Basketball Coach Gabriel Chapa at the Maidens Summer Basketball Camp

(San Angelo LIVE! Photo/Ryan Chadwick)

Each camper received a t-shirt and an experience they will remember for the rest of the summer. These camps put on by our coaches and players are vital to the continued success of the athletic programs in the Concho Valley.

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