Goodfellow AFB Boosts Texas Economy with $3.1 Billion Impact


SAN ANGELO, TX — U.S. military installations in Texas have contributed a substantial $151.2 billion to the state's economy in 2023, according to a recent report from Governor Greg Abbott’s office.

The study, conducted by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts at the request of the Texas Military Preparedness Commission (TMPC), highlights the economic impact of these installations and their role in supporting over 677,022 jobs across the state.

The report details the economic impact of various installations, with Fort Cavazos contributing $39.1 billion and Joint Base San Antonio contributing $55.1 billion, making them the top contributors. 

Goodfellow Air Force Base in San Angelo is among the significant contributors, with an economic impact of $3.1 billion and supporting 12,064 direct and indirect jobs.

Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene contributed an economic impact of $3.6 billion and supported 15,879 direct and indirect jobs.

“The tradition of military service is long in our great state, and our respect for those who serve is enduring,” said Governor Abbott. “That is why Texas is proud to be home to 15 major U.S. military installations and the Army Futures Command headquarters. Essential to the defense of our nation, each installation also serves as a major local employer and key community partner, adding over $151 billion to Texas' booming economy and supporting over 677,000 good-paying jobs across our great state. Working together with our military communities throughout the state, we will ensure Texas remains the most welcoming home to the men and women of the greatest military in the world and offers ongoing, unmatched support for their critical missions.”

Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar emphasized the dual role of these military installations in both national security and economic contribution. 

"These installations are critical to both our national security and to the Texas economy, generating an overall economic output of more than $150 billion," said Texas Comptroller Hegar. "The installations are also vibrant and dynamic partners in the community, supporting not just business and industry but also schools, charities, youth sports and cultural events. The U.S. military and the men and women who serve are a key part of what makes Texas the greatest state in the nation.”

The Comptroller’s study represents an analysis of the economic impact of the population and employees directly affiliated with U.S. military installations in Texas. This includes active duty, visiting, and other military personnel, dependents, civilian employees, and contractors directly affiliated with the base.

The Texas Military Preparedness Commission within the Office of the Governor advises the Governor and the Legislature on defense and military issues and on ways to strengthen the position of Texas military installations in preparation for any future Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC). TMPC’s goal is to preserve, protect, expand, and attract new military missions, assets, and installations in Texas. Additionally, the TMPC encourages defense-related businesses to expand or relocate in Texas. The commission is composed of 13 members serving six-year staggered terms, typically representing an installation in their community.

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