Darby Moves His Office


SAN ANGELO, TX — Monday morning, fresh coffee and pastries were served to commemorate a change of location for Representative Drew Darby’s San Angelo office. The office has moved to a suite inside the Surety Title building at 136 W. Twohig Ave., about three blocks from Darby's former location on the fifth floor of the San Angelo Central Bank Tower, also referred to as the Wells Fargo Building.

Darby said the new location is more accessible as no elevator ride is required. The office is more spacious than the previous location and is across the street from U.S. Congressman August Pfluger’s office.

Also presented at the grand opening was Darby’s new district director, Lori Wilson. Wilson replaces Cheryl DeCordova, who transferred to assume the district director’s position at State Senator Charles Perry’s office. Wilson unsuccessfully ran in a very crowded field for Tom Green County Precinct 4 commissioner in 2022 and has remained active in local Republican politics since.

Both police chief candidates, Travis Griffith and Mike Hernandez, were in attendance. Darby urged the crowd to vote but did not specify for whom.

Rep Drew Darby moves into new offices on June 10, 2024.

Rep Drew Darby moves into new offices on June 10, 2024.

Rep Drew Darby moves into new offices on June 10, 2024.

Rep Drew Darby moves into new offices on June 10, 2024.

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