Clue #6 | Summertime Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt


SAN ANGELO, TX— San Angelo LIVE!'s Summertime Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt, brought to you by Cano's Diamonds & Coins, is still alive and well.

Out there somewhere in San Angelo sits about $800 in Silver Eagle coins. Until now, which was confirmed by James Bouligny, that the silver was still in play. Today, we'll drop the next clue to help you in your search.

Here is today's clue.

Clue #6 Riddle in the SALive! Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt

Clue #6 Riddle in the SALive! Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt (This riddle is brought to you by the Outdoorsman, located at 2231 West Beauregard Avenue in San Angelo.) (LIVE! Photo: James Bouligny)

Here it is, Clue #6.

It's a big one to put you in the correct area of San Angelo. Lounge too long and someone else might find the silver before you. Left exactly where Bouligny placed it, the silver is waiting patiently.

So get out there and start searching. The clues were pretty vague this week but they'll get easier as time goes on. Remember, all the clues fit together in someway. Either by themselves or by taking pieces of two different, or more, clues and putting them together. Each one matters and there could be hidden clues inside other clues.

San Angelo LIVE! and Cano's Diamonds & Coins Summertime Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt

San Angelo LIVE! and Cano's Diamonds & Coins Summertime Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt (LIVE! Photo: James Bouligny)

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