SAN ANGELO, TX— James Bouligny, the Game Master, confirmed Friday afternoon the 20 Silver Eagle silver coins have not been found in the San Angelo LIVE! Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt brought to you by Cano’s Diamonds & Coins.
San Angelo LIVE! received several phone calls over the week so far concerning the Search for Silver and if the coins are still out there somewhere. In the early morning hours Friday, Bouligny went and checked on the silver coin container and yes, it is right where he left it.
Here, we review all clues so far as to the whereabouts of the $800 in silver that's hidden somewhere in the city of San Angelo. The most recent clue, #5, was released early where hunters who visited the Matagorda Bay Shrimp reefer trailer parked at 2001 West Beauregard Avenue could catch an early start. Now, clue #5 is at the bottom of this list.
Clue #1 Riddle:
I have cities, but no houses.
I have parks, but no trees.
I have lakes, but no water.
What am I?
Clue #1 Pictures

SFSSH Images (LIVE! Photo: James Bouligny)

Summertime Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt Clue (LIVE! Photo: James Bouligny)
Clue #3 Crossword
The crossword has been updated to fix the issues with the original, but those mistakes should not impede any thoughts about where the silver container is. Download an updated PDF of the crossword HERE.
Clue #4 Riddle
One of me reaches all of me. My name changes and I can go on for miles or suddenly stop.
What am I?
Clue #4 Picture

San Angelo LIVE! Summertime Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt Clue #4 (LIVE! Photo: James Bouligny)
Clue #5

Summertime Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt Clue #5 (LIVE! Photo: James Bouligny)
You can still get a physical copy of Clue #5 by visiting the Matagorda Bay Shrimp Company reefer trailer that is selling fresh, wild caught seafood at 2001 West Beauregard Friday and Saturday.
Again, the silver is still in play and has not been found by anyone. Also, all these clues are connected somehow.
The San Angelo LIVE! Summertime Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt is brought to you by Cano’s Diamonds & Coins, located at 1610 West Beauregard Avenue.
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