Ex-Gang Member and Rapping Barber Arrested for Stalking


SAN ANGELO, TX— A San Angelo felon has been arrested for stalking not even a month after taking a plea deal.

On May 30, 2024, Bryan Espinoza, 38, was arrested by the San Angelo Police Department for stalking.

Back on March 18, 2024, Espinoza took a plea deal for intoxication and alcoholic beverage offenses, usually a third-degree felony but Espinoza’s was enhanced due to prior convictions. He was also facing a second charge for evading with a vehicle with prior felony convictions.

In exchange for a guilty plea for one count of driving while intoxicated with two prior convictions and prior felony convictions and one count of evading with a vehicle with a prior felony conviction. These offenses were committed on April 3, 2023.

For count one, the driving while intoxicated charge, Espinoza was sentenced to confinement in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for a term of 10 years. His prison time was suspended. On count two, the evading charge, he was sentenced to 10 years deferred adjudication.

Espinoza will also have a $1,500 fine and must pay $60 in restitution.

Since March 2024, Espinoza has been arrested twice. Once by the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office on April 21, 2024, and then the stalking charge he was just arrested on by the San Angelo Police Department.

His stalking charge was committed on April 15, 2024, not even a month after he agreed to a plea deal.

San Angelo LIVE! has reached out for the affidavit for this incident and will update this story when the information becomes available.

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CGM5, Sun, 06/02/2024 - 08:52

I can't believe those harsh plea deals haven't worked on this guy, maybe the next plea deal will teach him a lesson.

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