Illegals Breach Security Perimeter at Laughlin AFB


DEL RIO, TX — Laughlin Air Force Base, located five miles east of Del Rio on U.S. 90, experienced its third breach by illegal migrants of this year this morning. According to News Nation's Ali Bradley, the base was breached during a chase by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) of human smugglers. The chase originated in Quemado, 33 miles south of the pilot training base on U.S. 277, where the driver had at least five illegal immigrants loaded into his car, a late-model small SUV.

When Texas DPS attempted to pull over the small SUV, a chase ensued.

The 830 Times in Del Rio reported that the base was placed on lockdown at 8:24 a.m. A press release from the base stated that the installation breach occurred at the west gate visitor control center. One individual breached the installation perimeter briefly. Laughlin AFB officials said the suspect "exited" base grounds at 8:32 a.m. and was pursued by local law enforcement.

The getaway car that crashed when in pursuit of Texas DPS. The care was carrying a driver and five smuggled illegal aliens.

The getaway car that crashed when in pursuit of Texas DPS. The care was carrying a driver and five smuggled illegal aliens. 

The breach follows a previous incident on May 23. At 3:48 a.m., Laughlin AFB officials stated that U.S. Border Patrol agents were pursuing a suspect. Border Patrol K9 teams chased the suspect throughout the base while base security blocked the base housing area to ensure the safety of base personnel and their families. Border Patrol apprehended the suspect on base at 4:57 a.m.

The 830 Times reported that base authorities said this was the third breach of its perimeter this year and the second breach in eight days.

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