Beto O'Rourke Advocates for Voting Rights at San Angelo Book Signing


SAN ANGELO, TX — Beto O'Rourke, the former U.S. Representative and former candidate for Texas Governor, held a book signing and discussion at Old Town Books in San Angelo Thursday evening. 

The event, which began at 6 p.m. at the 506 South Chadbourne St. bookstore, featured O'Rourke discussing his new book, “WE’VE GOT TO TRY: How the Fight for Voting Rights Makes Everything Possible.” 

The book highlights the significance of the right to vote and the need to safeguard democracy during what O'Rourke describes as a “crucial time.”

The book covers historical struggles and achievements in voting rights, weaving together stories of notable Texans, from athletes to activists and politicians, who have contributed to enhancing American democracy. 

He details the efforts of Dr. Lawrence Aaron Nixon, an early 20th-century activist who challenged the all-white primary system in Texas.

Visitors at the event had the opportunity to purchase signed copies of O'Rourke's book. 

WE’VE GOT TO TRY: How the Fight for Voting Rights Makes Everything Possible

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