SAN ANGELO, TX - The City Council of San Angelo will convene for a regular meeting tomorrow, March 5, at 8:30 a.m.
The meeting will occur at the McNease Convention Center – South Meeting Room, 501 Rio Concho Drive.
A series of decisions will be considered under the consent agenda, including:
- Approval of the February 20, 2024, City Council regular meeting minutes.
- Authorization for the sole source installation of PressurePave-Modified Aggregate Quick Set Systems.
- Approval of HGAC buying cooperative contract 20-00808 for water meter installation.
- Agreement with the Texas Southwest Council, Inc. Boy Scouts of America for the property and camp at 7677 S. Country Club Rd. at Lake Nasworthy.
- Approval of Naming Rights Agreements for the San Angelo Stockshow and Rodeo Association, Inc.
- Transfer of the Continuum of Care, Rapid Rehousing Program grant from the City to the Housing Authority of San Angelo.
- Updates to the Americans with Disabilities Act Grievance Procedure.
- Resolution to amend the Policy and Procedures Manual for Lake Nasworthy Lease of Commercial Lot Leases of City-Owned Property.
- Second reading of ordinances for property at the northwest corner of Gregory Dr. and Smith Blvd.
Regular Agenda: During the regular agenda, public comments on specific items will be allowed, with a five-minute limit for applicants, proponents, and appellants. Key items include:
- Approval of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) incentive funding for the South TIRZ private project at 36 E. Twohig.
- Discussion, direction, and possible action on amendments to Section 406 "Bed and Breakfast Establishments and Short-Term Rentals" of the Zoning Ordinance.
- Consideration of a resolution calling a joint public hearing of City Council and the Planning Commission regarding amendments to Section 406 "Bed and Breakfast and Short-Term Rentals" of the Zoning Ordinance and Section 313 "Use Table" of the Zoning Ordinance, along with establishing alternative notice procedures.
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