2 Arrests Made After Pickups Collide


SAN ANGELO, TX — A crash occurred in the Chicken District on Knickerbocker Road on Sunday night, February 25. Two white pickup trucks collided at the intersection of South Jackson and Knickerbocker around 8:45 p.m. Police were seen cuffing two people at the crash scene.

According to San Angelo Police Officers on the scene, the investigation is ongoing, and no concrete details have been released. However, two people were arrested after the incident. One of the white pickup trucks had serious front-end damage, while the extent of the damage to the other truck is unknown.

Law enforcement closed the intersection while wrecking crews moved the two vehicles out of the roadway. Check out a video of the scene below:

The extent of the injuries, if any, and if anyone went to the hospital are unknown. What we do know is that two people were arrested at the scene and taken into police custody.

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