Walmart Rewards Employees with Cheap Ramen Noodles During Blizzard


ROCKFORD, Ill — A TikTok video criticizing Walmart has gone viral after the company gifted its employees 55-cent ramen for working during a severe blizzard. The video, posted by a Walmart employee in Rockford, Illinois, received over half a million views. 

In the video, the employee expressed disappointment with Walmart, a Fortune 500 company, for showing appreciation by giving workers inexpensive ramen. The video highlighted the challenges faced by employees, including walking to work in sub-zero temperatures. 

The employee claimed that Walmart took down a social media post featuring the ramen gift due to severe backlash in the comments. Some commenters shared their dissatisfaction, while others noted receiving no recognition for working during the storm.

Walmart Facebook Post Rockford

Walmart Facebook Post Rockford

(Credit: Rockford Walmart Facebook)

Walmart Super Center 2020 (LIVE! Photo/Yantis Green)

Walmart Super Center 2020 (LIVE! Photo/Yantis Green)

The post by the Walmart employee was captioned, 

"Brrr it is cold outside. We appreciate our associates for braving the cold to be here. Stay warm with some ramen noodle soup and crackers. Walmart, you are a Fortune 500 company, at the top of the list. You are a multi-billion dollar company, and your way to show your appreciation is to give your employees 55-cent ramen."

Millzy exclaimed "People are walking to work in -18-degree weather. Some people don't have cars, some people's cars didn't start, and they still showed up to work, somehow, some way, so they could get a paycheck."

Millzy alleged that the backlash in the comments of Walmart's post was so severe that the company took it down.

“I can’t imagine going to work when everything else in the city is shut down because it’s so cold outside, and they say they are having a party, and it’s this. I would be so mad, I would clock out and go home,” Millzy said in the now-viral video.

While some commenters in Millzy's video agreed that the reward was small, others wrote that they received nothing at all for coming to work during the storm.

"LMAO that pizza party sounding pretty nice right now," Millzy wrote in the description of the video.

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