TxDOT Overwhelmed by Tall Grass, Weeds, and Shortage of Lawnmowers


Tall grass and weeds line the roadways across the county, including the loop and highways throughout the San Angelo area. Furthermore, many intersections are surrounded by high foliage, obscuring drivers’ visibility.

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is responsible for maintaining state roads and the area around those roads, which include the loop and highways within and around the city.

“It’s taken a lot longer this year to get the mowing contractors here because of statewide rain that we’ve had,” TxDOT Public Information Officer Karen Threlkeld said. “That has delayed the mowers in all areas of the state. And there’s only a limited number of people who do this type of work, so unfortunately the weeds have gotten enormous.”

Threlkeld said that TxDOT is currently mowing copious amounts of grass in the area and plans to start mowing in town next week.

“We have very limited amount of mowing equipment that the state owns anymore,” Threlkeld said. “What we have been doing with the equipment is what we call safety mows. If we have an intersection that needs to be mowed for visibility and safety reasons, we have been doing that with our maintenance forces.”

After several years of drought, the growth rate of grasses can be shocking after the rainfall Texas has received this year. Threlkeld said that TxDOT was not anticipating this amount of rain.

“The last several years of drought, we haven’t had to mow as much,” Threlkeld said. “What’s happening is the grass is tall everywhere across the state.”

TxDOT’s mowing contracts are bid on up to a year in advance and their schedule is planned accordingly. The schedule did not account for the unexpected rainfall Texas has received.

Threlkeld encouraged those who are concerned about a specific area along state-owned roads to call TxDOT’s offices at (325) 944-1501.

“Certainly, if we physically have the equipment and the manpower to do it, we’ll get out there and mow that particular intersection,” Threlkeld said. “At least back enough so that the visibility is greater.”

The two contractors that will be operating in the San Angelo area are Eggemeyer Mowing and R & M, Inc.

She was unsure of the exact location, but Threlkeld claimed contractors are currently mowing near Christoval and in counties surrounding San Angelo.

“We’re thankful for the rain, but unfortunately with that comes the tall grass,” Threlkeld said. “Obviously, we don’t like the tall grass either. We’re just limited in the amount of people that we have to do our mowing in our districts across the state for us.” 

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Phoenix Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio's inmates beg and plead to get out of their tent compounds and do manual labor all day..... Tom Green County Sheriff David Jones could copy these tactics used by Sheriff Arpaio and our local inmates would be begging to get out and push lawn mowers all day saving the State money and keeping these ridiculous looking roadways neatly manicured and free of trash.......

I hope they aren't all working their help 18-20 hours a day. By the time a friend of mine got home around 10 P.M. he barely had time to eat and bath and go to bed to get up and probably miss breakfast so he could leave by 4 or 5 A.M. He stayed so tired and sleep deprived he once almost fell asleep on tractor. He quit before he could kill himself.

Maybe if TXDOT would pay their employees more than $2400/mo, they'd get more help. But they're not going to get it when you can make over twice that much in the oilfield. And if the contractors can't keep up, either get different contractors or let a bid for another contractor or 2. I'm sorry, but you have to mow more than once/year. The grass is over 4ft. high in a lot of locations, and if you're in anything lower than a pick up or suv, there's no way you can see over grass that tall.

4 tractors with brush hogs could easily cover 3 miles/day. They could mow the entire loop in less than a week if they'd get out and actually do it. Instead, they're too busy laying down that worthless cold mix in a feeble attempt to patch our ruined roads.

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