Heat Advisory Issued for the Coolest Day of the Week


SAN ANGELO – A Heat Advisory is in effect for the Concho Valley Sunday afternoon from noon to 8 p.m. which is the coolest day of the week in the seven day forecast. 

According to the National Weather Service, Sunday's high will be 103 and temps go up from there in the coming days.   The Heat Advisory comes after a few days without advisories or warnings for excessive heat.  

The Heat Advisory warns residents to prepare properly if venturing outdoors Sunday afternoon.  Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of non-alcoholic fluids, wear sensible clothing, take lots of breaks in the shade and wear sunscreen.  

Check on vulnerable friends and neighbors.  And never, never, never leave a child or a pet locked in a hot car.  That's a death sentence for them or you.  

There is no rain in the forecast for the next ten days. 

Elevated Fire Weather conditions will increase as the week goes on.  High temps, low humidity and very dry fuels could lead to any wildfire rapidly spreading out of control so be extremely careful grilling or welding.  There is a Burn Ban in place in Tom Green County and most surrounding counties though August.  Winds are expected to pickup with gusts exceeding 30 mph midweek adding to the wildfire danger.  

The good news is that the long, hot summer will end eventually and moderate temperatures will return in a few months.  

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