New IOS Update: There is No Ducking Way


CUPERTINO, CA – The new Apple iPhone Update, the iOS17, is set to have a ton of new features but there is one that will make you say 'no ducking way.'

During Apple's presentation of the new update, Craig Federighi, Apple's head of software, confirmed that one of the noteworthy additions will be an AI autocorrect that can detect intentional misspellings.

Currently, the iPhone autocorrect operates on a manual plug-in basis. This results in changes to certain curse words, including the word that often autocorrects to 'ducking.' However, with the new AI autocorrect, the system will learn when someone intentionally misspells or employs a specific spelling of a word.

"In those moments where you just want to type a ducking word, well, the keyboard will learn it, too," said Federighi.

Among other features in the update are FaceTime voicemail, a standby display while charging, messaging enhancements, airdrop improvements, and more. The update is expected to be launched in the fall of 2023.

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