San Angelo Police: Fiesta Responsibly This Cinco De Mayo


SAN ANGELO, TX – The San Angelo Police Department reminded the public on Friday to fiesta responsibly during this Cinco De Mayo.

According to the post, published on May 5, 2023, citizens should remember that you should not fire guns in the air or drink and drive. Both of these act could be dangerous to people enjoying the holiday responsibly.

The best way to avoid drinking and driving it to use ride share services such as Uber and Lyft.

The following is the message from the San Angelo Police Department:

Firing a gun to express your celebration on Cinco de Mayo is not only dangerous but against the law. The Department wants to remind our citizens that it is unlawful for any person to discharge firearms of ANY KIND or description within the limits of the municipality.

There are many Cinco de Mayo celebrations happening throughout the day and tonight, please be safe, don’t drink and drive and call a friend to get home safely if you have been drinking.

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But if you insist on breaking the law, at least send your bullets upwards towards heaven where the Lord can neutralize their lethal power and bless them.

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