Two San Angelo Food Trucks Look to Move Into Permanent Building


SAN ANGELO, TX – Two San Angelo food trucks look to move their food from outside to indoors by opening up restaurants.

The first business will be Sunset Jr. This food truck, currently located inside the Fiddlestrings Bar Patio, will open up a permanent location at the corner of Van Buren and the Houston Harte frontage road.

Sunset Jr. first opened up in 2022. Their new location is set to open around Apr. 1. There will be a ribbon cutting that day despite the restaurant being complete. Owners Kurt and Troy Klaunswer will be on San Angelo LIVE!'s Live Daily News next week to share more details.

The second business will be The Pit BBQ. One of San Angelo's favorite BBQ spots will be moving out of its trailer and into the building on its lot. The business has been working on the building for some time and is now close to opening up.

No official opening date has been given, but the Pit has extended its hours to 8 p.m. in anticipation of the new restaurant.

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