Armada of Police Surround House to Thwart Machete Attack


SAN ANGELO, TX — Police were called to a residence at 29th St. and Oaklawn via 9-1-1 about a crazed man with a machete who was about to go on a rampage.

“We came in pretty hot,” said San Angelo Police Sgt. Josh Schultz.

In all, seven police cruisers arrived responding to the call. One drove up on the front lawn. Police deployed their long guns in preparation to breech the residence’s front door. An ambulance stood by down the street in case there were injuries.

Prior to forcing an entry, police attempted to talk to the occupants of the building from outside. A man in his 60s and a 55-year-old female responded. Both denied any kind of machete attack was happening or that there was a machete at all. Police examined the couple as best they could and found no injuries.

The woman had warrants, however.

Police arrested the woman for outstanding warrants. The 61-year-old male was not arrested.

San Angelo police surround home at 29th and Oaklawn

San Angelo police surround home at 29th and Oaklawn

San Angelo Police Surround Home on the North Side

San Angelo Police Surround Home on the North Side

San Angelo Police Surround Home on the North Side

San Angelo Police Surround Home on the North Side

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