Beef Jerky Outlet Opens in San Angelo


Large wooden barrels line the walls of a recently re-vamped space on Sherwood Way, hundreds of packages filled with smoked, dehydrated and seasoned meats hanging from the pegs above them.

For approximately the past year, Bob and Janice Hatfield have been working to turn their dream of a family-run franchise into reality, recently opening the doors at San Angelo’s one and only Beef Jerky Outlet.

The store features over 130 types and flavors of jerky, but Janice and Bob prefer the sweet and spicy. Honey BBQ, bourbon and peppercorn turkey varieties are popular among customers, while other options include bacon, bison, alligator, kangaroo and ostrich.

Similar to a general store with wooden shelves and an assortment of jarred goods, the Hatfield’s also carry pickled products, hot sauces, spices, cheeses and sausage. Amish-made butters and jams are also found on the store shelves, while a small cart in the center is filled with filled chocolate cordials, candies and flavored crickets.

“One little boy came back in and he said they (the crickets) tasted like sunflower seeds to him,” Janice glanced at the dsiplay. “In the other stores, they’re very popular among the pre-teen girls.”

The store officially opened on April 10 without so much as a sign or advertising to draw in the customers. Despite the soft launch, a banner alerting the public that they would be opening soon was enough to bring in foot traffic that first weekend, which has been steady since.

“You know how San Angelo is. We’re kind of out here in the middle of nowhere,” Janice said, noting how impressed they’ve been with the response.

“See, that’s the thing,” Bob chimed in. “We got to bring something from the big city here. And that’s what’s so neat about it. We’ve had several people come in and remark, ‘thank you for bringing this to San Angelo’. We’ve got little 5-year-old kids wanting to go to work here because they think it’s so cool.”

Bob and Janice Hatfield, who also own and run Caldwell Electric, are no strangers to family-run business. When considering opening a franchise, both knew they wanted something unique that didn’t involve cooking. The Beef Jerky Outlet was listed on a webpage boasting the top 10 franchise opportunities, and after Bob clicked on it, they decided to visit a store.

“When we saw a store, we were intrigued with the variety of merchandise and the jerky was good,” Janice said.

“It was kind of the ‘wow factor,’” Bob added. “You feel good when you walk in. It’s a happy place. It’s fun being here.”

The company is headquartered in Tennessee and gets its dehydrated jerky product from a plant there, while the smoked varieties are shipped from a plant in Michigan. All of the beef products are made from 100 percent beef, while exotics and wild game, such as elk, bison and alligator, are required by law to contain a certain percentage of pork as well.

Despite some added sugars and sodium, Janice says the jerky is generally a healthier snack alternative to a candy bar, and has noted that a lot of moms are leaning toward jerky for their kids’ snacks.

“To me it’s a family store,” Janice said. “You can bring your kids in and sample the jerky before you buy it.”

Although the store has been up and running for the past month, the Hatfield’s are postponing the grand opening until June 12, which is National Jerky Day. The day will feature prizes and specials, with more to be disclosed as the date nears.

The Beef Jerky Outlet is located at 4521 Sherwood Way. For more information, visit the local store’s Facebook page.

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i absolutely love beef jerky. along with my kids and my husband. we are super excited. thank you

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