Deadline Fast Approaching for Goodfellow Air Force Base Honorary Commander Program


GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE – Goodfellow Air Force Base is launching a newly designed Honorary Commander program in October to foster and develop further relationships with leaders in our community.

The Honorary Commander program enables members of the community to understand the importance of the 17th Training Wing, the United States Air Force, Department of Defense and their military mission. 

New selectees will join current Honorary Commanders for a 12-month program that will include multiple events on base that will foster a greater understanding of Goodfellow's mission and also promote relationships and a mutual understanding between the Honorary Commanders and Goodfellow's leadership and personnel.

Goodfellow is incredibly grateful for the support and award-winning relationship that it has with San Angelo and the greater community and looks forward to advancing those relations even further with the Honorary Commander program.

Those interested in applying to become an Honorary Commander or looking for more information about the program should visit The deadline for submissions is September 2, 2022. 

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