Biden Caves to Congressman Pfluger's Demand


WASHINGTON, DC – Last week, Congressman August Pfluger (R-TX) and other members of the House Homeland Security committee revealed that the Department of Homeland Security was refusing to brief the Committee on two significant terrorist plots planned on U.S. soil without a signed privacy waiver from the suspected terrorists.

One was a plot to assassinate former President George W. Bush; the other was a thwarted mass shooting attack at a July 4 celebration at a Richmond, Virginia amphitheater. The police chief in Richmond said a tipster overheard a phone call indicating the men had planned to attack the Dogwood Dell Amphitheater where an annual fireworks show is held. The amphitheater holds 2,400 people.

The Richmond incident may be of interest to Pfluger because at least one of the illegal alien suspects, according to the arrest affidavit, was affiliated with the Los Zetas gang in Mexico that is currently running large operations south of the border from the Del Rio Sector of the Customs and Border Protection. The Department of Homeland Security assisted in the investigation if not led it. San Angelo, part of Pfluger's CD-11, is in the Del Rio Sector of the CBP.

Pfluger and fellow Republicans on Homeland wanted DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to reveal details about the two plots and the suspects who were arrested. Mayorkas refused citing the need for the suspects to sign privacy waivers.

In response, Rep. August Pfluger sent a letter with Homeland Security Committee Ranking Member John Katko (R-NY) and Congressman Mayra Flores (R-TX) to Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas demanding to know why such a policy was instituted, and expressing serious concern about perceived attempts to obstruct Congressional oversight efforts.

This week, Pfluger said DHS responded, telling Homeland Security Republicans that they will back down from these requirements and set up the briefings for Committee members on the attempted terrorist plots by criminal non-citizens.

Pfluger and Homeland Republicans will continue to use any oversight tool at their disposal to hold what he termed "this reckless administration" accountable.

"We will not tolerate any attempts from DHS to stonewall Congress from conducting its Constitutionally-mandated responsibilities," Pfluger said.

Watch more on their efforts here in a video provided by the Republicans on the Homeland Security Committee:

Homeland Republicans Hold DHS Accountable Over Terrorist Privacy Waiver Policy

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