ODESSA- Three people have been arrested in Odessa for stealing gasoline.
The Odessa Police Department responded to the Kent Kwik, located at 912 North County Road West in Odessa on Wednesday Jul. 6 at 1:30 a.m. regarding gas theft.
When officers arrived, they detained two individuals who tampered with the fuel pump and were stealing gas. About 300 gallons of gasoline was stolen in this incident. It was also learned by investigators that these people were involved or had knowledge of previous gas thefts that totaled 3600 gallons.
The Texas Financial Crimes Intelligence Center, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations, the Ector County Sheriff’s Office, and the Regional Comptroller Office all collaborated for an investigation that resulted in the arrest of three individuals altogether.
Yoenny Garcia Ruiz, Yoanky Martinez Morata, and Alexi Otero were all arrested and charged with engaging in organized criminal activity and all three were taken to the Ector County Law Enforcement Center. More arrested and chargers are expected as the investigation continues.
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