Brady Police Officer Shot


BRADY, TX — A Brady police officer was shot early this morning, according to James Stewart with the Brady Standard-Herald. The officer not only survived but was seen walking around the scene later this morning.

The DPS Special Response Team and the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office SART and Crisis Negotiation Unit teams assisted with the ensuing hostage situation. The scene of the incident was on Crothers Ave. just off Bridge St. in Brady. The roadway has been blocked for most of the day.

Steward reported that the shooting and hostage situation started at approximately 6 a.m. Tuesday morning. The police officer received a high-caliber round in his bullet-proof vest, Steward said. The Brady City Council just recently replaced all of these vests with newer, modern models, Stewart said.

Neighbors said they were awakened early Tuesday morning by multiple gunshots. The situation was ended shortly after 2 p.m.

“Officer said he was sore, but relatively unharmed. He was walking around after the incident,” Steward said.

The suspect is in custody and the situation has been downgraded by all appearances by 3:30 p.m. Additional information will be provided by the Texas DPS as the Texas Rangers appear to have taken over the investigation.

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