WATCH: Viral Video Shows Teacher & Students Throwing Chairs at Each Other


DESOTO, TX – A video went viral on Thursday after a substitute teacher and a student at a Desoto ISD school were seen throwing chairs at one another during an altercation.

The following video is graphic. Viewer discretion is advised.


Following the incident and a separate fight on campus, Desoto ISD decided to close campus for Friday, Mar. 11.

At the end of the video viewers can see that the teacher did suffer a laceration on the top of his head that caused moderate bleeding. It is unknown if any students were injured.

The school district did demand that teachers attend school on Friday to discuss ways to deal with discipline while in the classroom.

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CGM5, Sat, 03/12/2022 - 10:05

When children aren't taught to show respect for anyone just because it's the decent thing to do, not to mention any respect for authority then this is what you get.

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