Watch: Police Investigating Shooting Near Lone Star Middle School


SAN ANGELO, TX –– A police investigation is currently underway near Lone Star Middle School after an alleged shooting occurred on Thursday morning.

Reporters at the scene observed crime scene tape surrounding a home in the 2600 block of Rio Grande Street. Police vehicles were also observed at the scene.

Preliminary information indicates a 50-year-old victim was transported to the hospital with a gunshot wound.


As a result of the shooting, Lone Star Middle School was placed on lockdown as law enforcement investigate the shooting.

Parents received a message stating "Lone Star Middle School: Lone Star is currently on a cautionary secure & hold measure due to an SAPD investigation. For student drop off, use cafeteria entrance."

San Angelo ISD issued the following statement regarding the incident:

"This morning the San Angelo Police Department informed San Angelo ISD of increased law enforcement activity in the neighborhood surrounding Lone Star Middle School prior to the start of the school day. Due to this, Lone Star Middle School was placed on a secure the building measure out of an abundance of caution, and the measure has now been lifted. Students and staff are safe. SAISD and Lone Star Middle School appreciate the collaboration with the San Angelo Police Department."

The investigation is currently ongoing.

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