DPS Invites Current Texas Peace Officers to Become Troopers


AUSTIN – The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) is now accepting applications for an advanced recruit school designed for current Texas law enforcement officers who are interested in becoming Highway Patrol Troopers. The application deadline is March 25; and the eight-week school will begin June 21.
“We know that there are highly qualified Texas peace officers who may be interested in becoming Highway Patrol Troopers,” said DPS Director Steven McCraw. “DPS values the expertise and training these professionals possess, and this new recruit school is an excellent opportunity for current law enforcement officers to join DPS.”
This particular recruit school provides eligible officers in Texas an accelerated path to becoming a DPS trooper versus the standard course that spans more than 20 weeks. The graduates of this particular class – beginning June 21 – will be assigned primarily to DPS Regions 3 and 4 along the Texas-Mexico border to fulfill current needs in those areas.
An applicant must currently be working as a Texas peace officer with at least two years of patrol experience and hold a current and valid peace officer license issued by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE). The requirement that applicants must have two years’ experience performing patrol duties will not be waived. (DPS will also continue to offer its standard recruit classes that do not require applicants to hold a current peace officer license.)
All applicants must meet other eligibility requirements, including being a U.S. citizen and be at least 21 years old by the time they graduate from the academy. Additionally, applicants will be required to successfully complete a physical fitness test, written examination, a polygraph examination, background investigation, board selection interview, psychological examination, physical/vision examinations, and a drug screen.

For more information about the minimum requirements or to apply, applicants can visit www.JoinDPS.com and click on “Advanced Commissioned Trooper Trainee School.” Individuals can also contact a regional DPS recruiter by calling 1-866-898-7667.
After submitting an online application, applicants will be notified by email if they are selected to continue to the testing phase. Applicants must submit all required forms and documentation prior to March 25, 2015, and have completed all required testing by March 31, 2015. DPS is an equal opportunity employer.


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Application requirements do not seem any more stringent than those used by the USArmy to screen and select Officer Candidates. Been there, done that, and would not trade the experiences for anything. And I'm sure there are DPS personnel who feel the same way about their time with DPS. Honesty, integrity, commitment to the mission, and know that the Joe or Joette standing beside you has your back, just as you have theirs. That sense of duty does not retire, either. Talk to a few retirees from DPS, USMC, USA, USAF, USN, or Coast Guard. And let's not forget our Brothers and Sisters working the Borders, with and without pay!

I'm still not a ROBOT!

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