Mike Richards Steps Down As Host of Jeopardy!


CULVER CITY, CA – Nine days after executive producer Mike Richards was selected as the new host of "Jeopardy!", the new host has stepped down.

The sudden departure came amid resurfaced comments made by Richards eight years ago on a comedy podcast called "The Randumb Show" and accounts of former employees that claimed he discriminated against female employees on other shows.

In an emailed statement to Jeopardy! staff on August 9th, Richards stated the allegations were made during employment disputes.

"I want you all to know that the way in which my comments and actions have been characterized in these complaints does not reflect the reality of who I am or how we worked together on The Price is Right.”

Two days later, Sony Pictures Television announced the 46-year-old producer would become the permanent host and Mayim Bialik would host prime-time tournaments.

The decision was faced with backlash from fans who found it unfair that Richards, who led the search for the host, would be chosen.

Days later Richards announced he would step down.

"As I mentioned last week, I was deeply honored to be asked to host the syndicated show and was thrilled by the opportunity to expand my role," said Richards in a statement. "However, over the last several days it has become clear that moving forward as host would be too much of a distraction for our fans and not the right move for the show. As such, I will be stepping down as host effective immediately. As a result, we will be canceling production today."

Sony announced they supported Richards' decision to leave as host –– even as he remains as executive producer.

“We support Mike’s decision to step down as host,” said Sony Pictures TV. “We were surprised this week to learn of Mike’s 2013/2014 podcast and the offensive language he used in the past. We have spoken with him about our concerns and our expectations moving forward.”

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