Big Bend Region Applying for Largest International Dark Sky Designation


BIG BEND, TX – Presidio County just voted in favor of updating its municipal dark sky lighting ordinance to the standards set by the International Dark-Sky Association. *All* counties and *all* municipalities in the region have now updated their ordinances. This means McDonald Observatory is all clear to submit its application for the Big Bend International Dark Sky Reserve to the International Dark Sky Association (IDA).

According to information on social media, it's been a big couple of weeks with Alpine, Marfa, and Presidio County all voting to revise these ordinances. Big congratulations to Bill Wren at the McDonald Observatory - he's been working with the region's cities and counties for the better part of a year to get this accomplished! 

To get the Dark Sky Reserve designation, all municipalities and counties in the region needed to update dark sky lighting ordinances. Once designated by the IDA, this International Dark Sky Reserve, will be greater in size than the other eighteen Dark Sky Reserves in the world combined helping protect major wildlife habitats and migration corridors in the Big Bend--encompassing over 9.7 million acres!

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