Farmer Pulls Down Power Lines in Grape Creek


A farm tractor pulling a cotton module builder pulled down the power line on Grape Creek Road Sunday evening.

Just after 5 p.m., Tom Green County Sheriff’s Deputies, Grape Creek VFD, and the Texas DPS responded to a call about a downed power line.

The tractor/module builder was parked near one downed power pole at the intersection of Grape Creek Road and Whippoorwill Way early Sunday evening as DPS investigated the scene.

Witnesses at the scene said that more than one pole was affected by the crash, as other poles were pulled downward as a result of the tension of the power lines from the first affected pole.

Grape Creek Road is closed to through traffic until the power lines are fixed.

AEP electric crews arrived to fix the power lines. AEP outages are affecting 125 electric meters in the area. Verizon landline phone service should be unaffected, as authorities working the scene said that the phone lines are underground.

There were no injuries and no citations were issued in the early stages of the investigation.

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What is this sod buster doing pulling something down the road that is over height anyhow ? I'm sure if Joe the plumber drives a transport truck with something tall or over width, he's got to cut through all sorts of red tape and have a folder full of permits to travel on a road. Hopefully he gets billed and proverbially "looses the farm" by having to pay for all the resources that had to respond, the repairs of the lines and poles and should pay a monetary fee to every person he affected by his ignorance.....
Yes there is a regulation height for all power lines the one that was caught was not AEP. It was suddenlink. When the tractor left he was escorted down the road cause he was catching almost every wire that crossed Grape Creek RD. One of the Suddenlink trucks with a bucket arm was what escorted him out so we wouldn't have another issue. The reason I know this is cause I was there helping out with the issue and was right in the middle of it while AEP and Suddenlink did there repairs.

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